
タイトル 東叡山御用御膳海苔所
Nori Shop Patronized by Kan'eiji Temple

著者/作者 柳亭種彦記 画狂老人卍画
Text by Ryutei Tanehiko, illustration by Gakyo Rojin Manji

内容記述 制作刊行年等:天保12年 ; 出版地等:江戸・中島屋平左衛門 ; 請求記号:文庫10 8013 4 ; 材質: ; 数量:1枚 ; 大きさ:26×41cm ; 解説文:江戸後期の戯作者柳亭種彦(1783−1842)が書いた浅草の海苔店の引札。「浅草海苔」の由来を、幾つもの古書を引いて考証し、博学の片鱗をのぞかせる。挿図の左下隅に小さく「画狂老人卍筆」とみえるが、晩年の葛飾北斎(1760−1849)の手すさびか。 ; 12th year of Tenpo (1841) ; Nakajimaya Heizaemon (Edo) ; 1 sheet ; 26×41cm ; Ad for a shop specializing in nori (dried laver), a favorite condiment of rice, in Asakusa, written by Ryutei Tanehiko (1783?1842), well-known late-Edo-period gesaku fiction writer. Referring to a number of ancient books, he writes about the history of "Asakusa nori," affording a glimpse of his extensive knowledge. At the bottom left of the illustration is tiny inscription, "Gakyo Rojin Manji Hitsu" (By "Picture-Crazy Old Man"). It is considered possible that the illustration was done for pleasure by the great ukiyo-e painter Katsushika Hokusai (1760?1849) in his later years.

キーワード 図録 幕末明治のメディア展 138
第2部 第1章 江戸の広告


関連情報URL 精細画像(PDF)


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